Association de Formation et d'Action


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Kolpingyouth Organisme de jeunes - Page 4

  • Youth kolping Cameroon

    NAME: KOLPING Cameroon
    COMMON NAME: Kolping Family
    CREATION: November 2006

    Kolping Cameroon Association is a Catholic Christians who participate in the salvific mission of the Church in imbibing:
    The person and message of Jesus Christ
    Catholic Social Teaching
    the ideals and actions of Adolph Kolping


                     Since its inception in November 2006 by Father Cyprien ETOA promoter of the congregation (CICM) Kolping Cameroon, inspired by the person and message of Jesus Christ, the Church's social doctrine, ideals works of Adolph Kolping, unfolds in the areas of spirituality, training and funding of projects.

                     The recollections, retreats, pilgrimages, days of prayer and other spiritual activities initiated by Kolping Cameroon are particularly experienced permanent Christian ideals, the teaching of the social doctrine of the Church and the formation of consciences. Numerous trainings organized so far have contributed to strengthening the capacity of each, to give a qualification to others and learn many Kolping members to master the fundamentals in areas as diverse and important topics. Project funding comes into line with the invitation of Pope Paul VI addressed to all Christians in Populorum Progressio, to participate in a concerted action. For the integral development of man and inclusive development of humanity. Also, many agro pastoral received support Kolping Cameroon. Restoration and small businesses were also taken into account ... By Kolping Youth Cameroon